My name is Zsuzsa Veréb, I’m a painter. I love things that are unique and particular and I try to adhere to these ideals in my work, be it on a canvas or a wall.
I believe, that every space – regardless of its location and size – carries within itself a story waiting to be told in shapes and colours, and that my task is to decipher and execute these ideas in their best possible form. It’s an enchanted and incredibly exciting undertaking!
With a little imagination and boldness even the most run-of-the-mill places can be transformed into something absolutely exceptional and personal. Not only the aesthetic experience will be more fulfilling but you’ll immediately feel the inspiration flowing after such a metamorphosis. A stimulating idea – fully considering the function of the room, of course – can invest a space with plenty of content and give it momentum and character. It may make us think, help us relax, inspire us but it will undoubtedly guide our thoughts towards harmony.